GdM challenge / uitdaging / sfida for MND / ALS / SLA

Colin Fisher

( 15 Stages | "I go all the way" | The complete Giro di Muscoli | Saturday 12th September - Sunday 27st September 2020 )

Closed You can't donate anymore
from €2,000 (95%)
Gerben and Jeanne
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€30 05-10-2020 | 09:01
€30 04-10-2020 | 18:41 Forza il Giro di Muscoli. An altro donazione dal Bar La Piazzetta Gabbice Monte. Domenico.
€300 30-09-2020 | 12:34
€20 30-09-2020 | 10:16 Forza il Giro di Muscoli e lo Replay dal Gabbice Monte 4 Ottobre 2020
€30 29-09-2020 | 21:33
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Stage 15, Gabicce Monte - Fano, 82km

27-09-2020 | 00:00 
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